Read Me
wonder kids grow up crazy [...]
damn cat, no damn cradle."
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Cat's Cradle
Here are some of
my favorite books and authors, listed by author but in no particular order.
These are my recommendations, if you have any for me, let me know. Hopefully
this will be an ever-growing list. The links should lead to a list
of their books via, an online bookstore which I've used and
am happy with.
K. Dick - Probably my favorite author; definitly my most read.
He generally wrote sci-fi, and his books & short stories (two of each)
were the basis for films; one of which was Blade Runner, and none
of which did the original work justice. For starting out, I would
suggest Ubik or Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Blade
Scott Card - Wrote one of my favorite books ever, Ender's Game.
The following two (3?) in the "triology" I neither liked nor finished,
but I would suggest reading his book of short stories, Maps in a Mirror.
Lethem - A great "new" author. Of the four (soon to be five)
books he's published, I've read and loved them all.
Vennegut Jr. - So far I've only read Cat's Cradle and Slaughterhouse-Five, but Hocus Pocus is on the way, and I
plan on reading a lot more.
Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men. Need I say more?
Kesey - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Need I say
Herr - He wrote a non-fiction book about reporters in the Vietnam
"Conflict" called Dispatches. It was excellent.
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