My House

Created 8/23/97
Updated 2/15/98


Well Frank settled down in the Valley
and he hung his wild years
on a nail that he drove through
his wife's forehead
he sold used office furniture
out there on San Fernando Road
and assumed a $30,000 loan
at 15 1/4% and put down a payment
on a little two bedroom place
his wife was a spent piece of used jet trash
made good bloody marys
kept her mouth shut most of the time
and had a little Chihuahua named Carlos
that had some kind of a skin disease
and was totally blind.  They had a
thoroughly modern kitchen
self-cleaning oven (the whole bit)
Frank drove a little sedan
they were so happy

One night Frank was on his way home
from work, stopped at the liquor store,
picked up a couple of Mickey's Big Mouths
drank 'em in the car on his way
to the Shell station, he got a gallon of
gas in a can, drove home, doused
everything in the house, torched it,
parked across the street, laughing,
watching it burn, all Halloween
orange and chimney red then
Frank put on a top forty station
got on the Hollywood Freeway
headed north

Never could stand that dog

                                                      Tom Waits
                                                                  'Frank's Wild Years'

Eh?  I know you, Sylvester?  Yeah, Frank's over in that corner nursing a bottle of bourbon.  But watch out, he's passing out wolf tickets and a wooden kimono wouldn't look too good with that mohair vest.  What's that?  Yeah, I guess we all are.  Ehhh, give it a name.

So sit down for a spell, have a drink or a smoke, if that's your thing, relax and just listen.  No, hear.  There's a difference you know.

I'm Andrew, and I've created these pages to... well, acually, I don't know why.  But, since I already did, feel free to explore the little scraps that I've put up here.  Mostly, I guess this is just a showcase for the things that I've written that I think are worth reading.  I've also got some links to other things that might be of interest.

When you're done looking at all of my
crap, mail me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
It'll make my day.
